September 9, 2024
Education News Canada

Semester Schedule for Secondary Schools starting September 2021

April 16, 2021

The Vancouver School District has been working with students, families, teachers and staff and will adopt a semester model for the 2021-22 school year for secondary schools. Students will take four courses from September to January and four courses from February to June.

This new schedule is designed to better meet the needs of students, providing:

  • More flexibility with learning and acceleration
  • More support for students
  • Better supports for English language learners
  • More teacher support
  • Alignment with alternate District programs

Health and safety continue to be a top priority and with the anticipated return to full-time in-person learning, the District will continue to work with families, teachers, staff, the Ministry of Education and all health officials to ensure the schedule can and will be implemented safely.

The decision to move to a semester schedule at the District's secondary schools is based on input from students, families, teachers and staff.

There is more detailed planning to be done and further information will be shared soon.

For more information

Vancouver School Board
1580 West Broadway
Vancouver Colombie-Britannique
Canada V6J 5K8

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