June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

StFX confers more than 1,000 degrees and honours leaders in global business, arts, activism, and administration

May 6, 2024

St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) celebrated the accomplishments of more than 1,000 graduates from the Class of 2024 at the Charles V. Keating Centre on campus today. Family and friends were extremely excited to watch their loved ones walk across the stage.

"You are a StFX graduate, that will take you on incredible adventures," said StFX President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Andy Hakin. "Leadership is often characterized by the ability to navigate challenges and forge ahead; true leadership is evident particularly in tough times and when difficult decisions are needed. 

"You all have potential to make Canada great, every single one of you," added Dr. Hakin to the graduates and their supporters who filled the Keating Centre.

Four extraordinary individuals, who have helped improve society, in education, business, and philanthropy, were recognized with honorary degrees during morning and afternoon ceremonies.

StFX awarded the degree Doctor of Laws honoris causa to Stephen A. Schwarzman, philanthropist, and chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Blackstone, one of the world's leading investment firms; Christine Schwarzman, lawyer, philanthropist, and patron of arts and culture; Elder Sister Dorothy Moore, educator, activist, and respected Mi'kmaw elder; and Tom Langley, former StFX Vice-President Finance and Administration.

The achievements of four StFX faculty members were also celebrated. Dr. Leona English, Department of Adult Education, received the distinction of professor emerita; Dr. Dan Robinson, Faculty of Education, was awarded the University Research Award; and the Outstanding Teaching Award went to both Dr. Peter Kikkert, Public Policy and Governance, and to Dr. Riley Olstead, Department of Sociology.

StFX paid tribute to John Peacock '63 who is coming to the end of his term as chancellor. During the morning ceremony, senior class president Abbey Momborquette thanked Mr. Peacock recognizing his many contributions to StFX, while during the afternoon ceremony senior class co-president Taylor Gorman reiterated the graduates' gratitude to Chancellor Peacock. Chancellor John Peacock and his wife Adrienne '63 have been devoted supporters of StFX for many years.

For a story that recaps the day, go to: https://www.stfx.ca/news/Spring-Convocation-2024

For StFX honorary degree recipients' bios, faculty awards winners, and distinctions please see the below or click the links provided:
www.stfx.ca/alumni/convocation/honorary-degree-recipients and www.stfx.ca/alumni/convocation/faculty-awards-distinctions

For more information

St. Francis Xavier University
P.O. Box 5000
Antigonish Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2W5

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