June 22, 2024
Education News Canada

Research insights informing policy and care

May 23, 2024

It's hard to think of many activities humans undertake that don't require using arms and hands. From work-related motions to household chores, caregiving, driving and sports, much of the movements that define our daily routines rely on the proper functioning of our upper body.

This means injuries to this biomechanical system can severely disrupt our lives, says Dr. Angelica Lang (PhD), assistant professor at the Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health, University of Saskatchewan (USask). "When these injuries happen, no matter how they start, they can affect your work and leisure activities - and impact every part of your life."

From studying the clinical biomechanics of the upper limb, Lang and her team aim to improve our understanding of musculoskeletal health, such as the dysfunction experienced by breast cancer survivors.

For more information

University of Saskatchewan
105 Administration Place
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Canada S7N 5A2

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