September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

There's more to accessibility than availability - New research highlights the importance of understanding people's perceptions when creating public recreational spaces

August 29, 2024

Urban planners and developers have predetermined markers of accessibility for recreational spaces, such as parks and playgrounds that might include ramps or the ability to travel to the space using public transportation. But whether these spaces are actually used by and functional for the communities they are meant to serve depends on perceived accessibility, a concept that Josephine Godwyll explores in a recent study.

Josephine Godwyll led a study identifying three key themes for creating public recreational spaces that are accessible for the communities they serve. (Photo: Supplied)

Accessibility looks at the opportunities for people to interact with a particular space, while perceived accessibility looks at people's considerations and perceptions of whether and how they will be able to use those opportunities. 

"When you consider the perception of accessibility, you go from objective ways of measuring accessibility to subjective ways of measuring it," says Godwyll, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation.

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