June 16, 2024
Education News Canada

Planet Protectors elementary school program: Engaging, ready-made resource teaches students about environment and being responsible citizens

August 6, 2019

Young, green superheroes lead the way in Peterborough.

Almost 220 elementary school children in Peterborough are celebrating their green achievements this summer as new graduates of the Planet Protector Academy. Not only have they taken steps themselves to protect the planet, they've encouraged their siblings and parents to get involved too.

The Academy, developed by youth engagement charity DreamRider Productions, was supported through a partnership with the City of Peterborough and delivered in local schools over the last few months of the school year. The aim was to raise awareness about the use of natural resources and engage students and families in practical action to reduce their impact on the planet.

Supported by an interactive website displayed at the front of the classroom, teachers lead fun arts-based activities to help students explore waste and consumption issues. As apprentice Planet Protectors, students then use the knowledge and skills they learn in class to go home on superhero missions to lead change in their families' habits. By putting kids at the centre of the storyline, the Academy becomes a game, but also real life, as they compete in teams to make the biggest impact.

"A super easy to use - open and play! Fun and engaging, ready-made resource to teach students about the environment and being responsible citizens."
-  Rachel Adamson, Grade 3 / 4 Teacher

The students certainly made an impact, with 65% of families reducing food waste, 53% of families recycling more of their food scraps and 72% of students making less garbage with the lunches they bring to school.

For more information

City of Peterborough
500 George St N
Peterborough Ontario
Canada K9H 3R9

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