June 13, 2024
Education News Canada

New video series: Voices from Here

June 18, 2020

The new Voices From Here series shares oral histories of territories and treaties, residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, languages, and traditional knowledge from the perspective of First Nations, Inuit and Métis participants. 


The stories are part of a bigger history that has often been overlooked in classrooms. This project was conceived on the idea that truth is necessary for reconciliation. Oral history and memory are educational tools that can build mutual understanding and challenge simplified or sanitized histories. Please watch and listen with an open mind.

Warning: some stories contain descriptions some viewers may find disturbing.

The Voices From Here education guide will be available this coming fall.

Watch the full series at VoicesFromHere.ca

For more information

Historica Canada
2 Carlton Street, East Mezzanine
Toronto Ontario
Canada M5B 1J3

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