March 6, 2025
Education News Canada

Call for proposals for the Colloque interordre de la recherche étudiante en sciences sociales et humaines, en arts et en lettres

February 12, 2024

On Friday, May 31, 2024, the Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC) will be holding a colloquium at Université Laval and is inviting college, graduate and PhD students to submit proposals, in either French or English, describing their research in social sciences and humanities, arts and literature, no later than Thursday, February 22, 2024.

ARC is partnering with the Centre de transfert pour la réussite éducative du Québec to host this third annual colloquium. The main objective of the colloquium is to provide students in the fields of social sciences and humanities, arts and literature, with the opportunity to participate in an event dedicated to scientific communication and knowledge transfer. College students from all college-level programs, both pre-university and technical, who are interested in pursuing research are invited to submit a poster presentation, in French or in English. Graduate and PhD students are invited to give an oral presentation, in French or in English. And lastly, graduate and PhD students who are part of an inter-level team are invited to present either a poster or an oral presentation, in French or in English.

In its call for proposals, ARC provides information and two useful references on how to write excellent proposals. The colloquium and related project [Experience makes the difference] are made possible thanks to a grant from the Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie. In addition, the significant contribution from Université Laval's Vice-Rectorate of Research and the 10 faculties will help ensure the event elevates recognition of the fields of social sciences and humanities, arts and literature. With a view to continuously improve the event, its co-organizers are proposing a new feature: The possibility of offering or receiving support, whether for writing the proposal, participating in the event or preparing the scientific paper. Ten scholarships of $600 each will be awarded to Graduate and PhD students who wish to provide support to three first-time participants at a scientific colloquium. For ARC President Renaud Bellemare, "this growing colloquium is a clear sign of ARC's intention to make a significant contribution towards developing capacity in the next generation of researchers."

On May 31, researchers selected to present their work as part of the Colloque interordre de la recherche étudiante en sciences sociales et humaines, en arts et en lettres will be participating in a distinctive human experience. Why not join them? Simply submit a proposal for an oral presentation or a poster, in French or in English!

For more information

Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC)
255, rue Ontario Est, bureau A-7.67
Montréal Québec
Canada H2X 1X6

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