June 1, 2024
Education News Canada

Keyano College and University of Alberta Welcome Inaugural Cohort to Master of Education in Educational Studies Program

February 15, 2024

Keyano College and the University of Alberta (U of A) forged an exciting partnership in 2023, bringing forth a Northeastern Alberta cohort for the Master of Education in Educational Studies (MES) program. This collaborative venture has culminated in successfully launching the program for the Winter 2024 term, welcoming a cohort of 19 students. This marks a pivotal moment in advancing educational opportunities and excellence in the region.

Dr. Sandra Efu, Vice-President of Academic & Student Experience, made considerable effort to engage community members leading up to this launch. She connected with regional government and educational bodies in Wood Buffalo, intending to promote the program to educators in the region. "I am pleased to know that we have successfully launched our first cohort of the MES program. The students will be challenged to advance their knowledge and broaden their perspectives within the field of education. The MES program will help to grow the talent pool of high-quality educators and leaders in Northeastern Alberta, benefiting our entire community."

The MES program runs from January 2024 to the winter semester of 2026. This program adheres to the Alberta Leadership Quality Standard. This standard provides a framework to support the professional development of teachers and educational leaders in both formal and informal administrative and leadership positions throughout Alberta. The framework's primary focus is facilitating a diverse learning environment where students are exposed to various educational leadership strategies that govern the Alberta educational system.

"The future looks bright for the Northeastern Albertan cohort of the MES program. Winter 2024 admissions interest exceeded our expectations, and the current success of this program suggests that we could see future cohorts for the U of A Northeast Alberta MES program," states Dr. Coert Erasmus, Dean of the School of Business, University Studies, and Academic Upgrading.

Students in our first cohort will take ten graduate-level courses ranging from exploring educational research findings to managing school operations and resources. Course offerings include Foundations of School Leadership, Leading School Operations, First Nation, Metis and Inuit Issues in School Leadership, and Planning for Educational Change. Courses are offered through online and blended delivery modes from synchronous and asynchronous options. This flexibility allows the students to work full-time and complete the program in two years.

While registration for a second cohort is not yet open, we encourage you to research further into the MES program. Please visit the U of A Website for specific information such as a full course offerings list, potential future admissions requirements, tuition and fees, and more.

Keyano College is dedicated to empowering students across all levels with the tools and opportunities to learn and thrive at home in Wood Buffalo.  

For more information

Keyano College
8115 Franklin Avenue
Fort McMurray Alberta
Canada T9H 2H7

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University of Alberta
116 St. and 85 Ave.
Edmonton Alberta
Canada T6G 2R3

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