June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

High School Students Participate in Land-Based STEM Learning

June 30, 2023
Twenty-five high school students who self-identify as Indigenous from six different CBE high schools participated in two events organized by Actua and the CBE Indigenous Education Team. The focus of the events was centred on land-based learning and education to uphold and preserve cultural teaching. Cultural preservation and representation in STEM fields can help bridge the gap between traditional Indigenous knowledge and western science for students who self-identify as Indigenous enabling them to see themselves in STEM and feel engaged in these subjects.

Niitsitapi Iitsiniimatsinii Video

Following the days of land-based STEM-focused learning, students attended the Forward Summit West. The students learned from government and industry leaders across Canada by participating in roundtable discussions. Four of the twenty-five students participated in a youth panel discussion and received a standing ovation for their innovative and impressive discussion around economic reconciliation.

Forward Summit Video (See student interviews beginning at 1:27)

Congratulations to all of the students for their work!

For more information

Calgary Board of Education
1221 - 8 Street SW
Calgary Alberta
Canada T2R 0L4

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