June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

FMPSD's 2023 Career Fair

November 6, 2023

Fort McMurray Public School Division (FMPSD) recently hosted its first Career Fair in a long time, which saw the attendance of over 1100 junior high and high school students. With 33 different careers and 50 exhibitors present, the event was a resounding success, eliciting positive feedback from the exhibitors and students who took part.

The FMPSD Career Fair was organized with meticulous attention to detail; it provided an ideal opportunity for students to interact with different professionals, learn about diverse career options, and explore their potential in numerous fields. The extensive range of companies and careers present at the event was both impressive and eye-opening, exposing the students to a world of possibilities.

Teaching and Learning Director, Jen Quigley, enthusiastically shared the astounding success of the recent career fair.

"The 2023 Career Fair was a wonderful success and a great starting point for what will become an annual fair. The organization of an event this size, and with this many different groups, is a fairly massive undertaking but well worth the effort for exhibitors and students. Most students have never been to a Career Fair before, so even exposing them to an event like this creates familiarity, which supports students accessing similar career services as adults, should they desire to do so. We look forward to expanding our list of exhibitors each subsequent year and showcasing a wider range of professions."

One exhibitor commented on the excellent layout and setup of the event, which ensured that there was enough space for students to move around freely and visit every exhibit. The exhibitor-style setup allowed for a comfortable and interactive environment where students could approach the booths in their own time and interact with the professionals present.

"The Career Fair was a well-organized event that left employers wanting to support again in the future. On top of that, it was a good idea to bring the students in to ask experts about the trades. It is essential to get the younger students exposed to the skilled trades early. There's a critical shortage of Tradesmen in Canada; it's a must."

The space was set up with multiple areas for students to explore various industries, especially those related to the local economy. The career fair gave students a sense of the opportunities available right in their backyard, as well as the many new possibilities that are developing.

The FMPSD career fair was an essential event that illustrates the Division's commitment to providing high-quality education and opportunities to its students. The event was a triumph for its organizers and participants alike, as it offered a glimpse of the future workforce to come; by hosting these events, students are exposed to the range of careers they may choose from, which leads to better career decisions made well in advance. The impact of this event goes beyond the day itself, as it has left a lasting impression on the students' minds and their vision for their future careers.

For more information

Fort McMurray Public Schools
231 Hardin Street
Fort McMurray Alberta
Canada T9H 2G2

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