June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

Westwood Robotics Team Rockets to World Tournament

April 17, 2024

In an inspiring display of ingenuity and teamwork, the Westwood Community High School's VEX Robotics team 'Rocket', Team Number 221X, has officially qualified for the prestigious VEX Robotics World Tournament 2024. After a season of hard-fought competitions and remarkable achievements, Rocket has proven its exceptional skill, sealing its place among the elite ranks of young roboticists.

Out of the staggering 20,000+ teams worldwide, Rocket has emerged as part of the top 820 teams selected to contend at the world level. The team comprises driven and bright-minded students Harshit Malla, Ved Lakkad, Ved Bhowmik, Ansh Ramani, and Sparsh Shah. Under the seasoned guidance of their coaches, Jeff Landry, Said El Mejdani, and Poornima Menon, these young innovators have charted a remarkable path to success. The Westwood Robotics team's qualification highlights not just their talents but also the strength of their collaboration and strategic thinking.

The VEX Robotics World Championship will be held at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas from April 25 through May 3. This global celebration and competition will gather the world's best VEX IQ Robotics Competition, VEX Robotics Competition, and VEX U teams, each eager to showcase their year's hard work and earn the crown of champions.

More than robots clashing in a contest of speed and strategy, the event symbolizes a meeting point for innovation, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas across cultures, a culmination of future trailblazers in STEM. Amidst this international assembly, Team Rocket will strive not just for trophies but for the invaluable experience and the chance to leave an indelible mark on the global stage.

For more information

Fort McMurray Public Schools
231 Hardin Street
Fort McMurray Alberta
Canada T9H 2G2

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