June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

Augmented Reality Sets High School Students up for Success

March 22, 2023

The welding lab at Charles Spencer High School looks and sounds a lot different. There are not as many sparks, yet more students are excelling at welding. It's all thanks to augmented reality (AR) simulators.

Each AR set consists of a wireless board and welding wand, and associated software that has a catalogue of preloaded settings. Students can choose their project and work on a touchscreen device or a face mask with a built-in screen.

"I like how I can make mistakes and know it's OK. The equipment gives me the confidence to try hard techniques. I am learning a lot," said Grade 10 student, Noah.

"This new technology is saving us time in the classroom, and money on materials - plus students are gaining experience much faster than without the AR equipment," explained Career and Technology Studies (CTS) teacher, Joe LaValley. "Many students new to fabrication are intimidated by the sparks and noise that accompany the work, and the simulators provide a realistic and engaging way to build confidence before attempting live GMAW (MIG) welding in our lab."

When asked how he liked working with the simulator, Ethan a grade 10 student, paused his session and replied, "it's great - I like that I can restart whenever I need," then turned back to completing his assignment.

An interesting feature of the equipment is the ability to turn on and off the assisted learning guidance. The AR's programming allows students to get instant feedback on how they are doing and how to correct their work. When it comes to exam time, the assistance is turned off.

Read the complete press release

For more information

Grande Prairie Public School Division
10127 120 Avenue
Grande Prairie Alberta
Canada T8V 8H8

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