June 13, 2024
Education News Canada

Catholic trustees congratulate Serena Shaw on her re-appointment as ACSTA President

November 25, 2019

The Board of Trustees for Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools congratulates Serena Shaw on her re-appointment to the position of the Office of President for the Alberta Catholic School Trustees' Association (ACSTA). The Alberta Catholic School Trustees' Association represents Catholic trustees in Alberta, Northwest Territories and Yukon, and their core purpose is "a commitment to a unified voice providing spiritual and political leadership for publicly funded Catholic education." In enacting this core purpose, Ms. Shaw has demonstrated that she has a clear vision of a strong, professional association in her last 18 months as President of ACSTA. Given her notable experience and leadership, she is well positioned to continue to lead and inspire others to remain steadfastly committed to living out the mission of ACSTA.

She was first elected as a Trustee in 2013 and held the role of Chair from 2016-2018. During her terms as trustee, Serena was active on numerous committees and held a director position with ACSTA for three years, including the role of Chair of Advocacy for two years. During this time, she was integrally involved in co-developing a comprehensive strategic plan for ACSTA. Such strategic planning continues to be a focus for Serena as she works with the Board of Directors in its important work of collaborating with the Bishops of Alberta and NWT, and with CCSSA to further the mission of the Church through publicly funded Catholic Education.

"As we find ourselves in a time of change and opportunity, Serena believes that our shared Catholic voice, advocacy, and leadership will be more important than ever," stated Joe Becigneul, Board Chair.She is devoted to listening and collaborating with all Catholic boards in the province to advocate for our Catholic schools as a right and parental choice for our communities. With Serena's strong vision for Catholic education, her proven track record of building relationships with government and education stakeholders, we are very proud to work with Serena Shaw as she continues in the position of President, ACSTA for the upcoming term and we extend a heartfelt congratulations to her on her success now and in her future leading Catholic school trustees.

For more information

Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools
6 St. Vital Avenue
St. Albert Alberta
Canada T8N 1K2

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