June 17, 2024
Education News Canada

Physical Education Teachers Recognized at MPETA Awards

November 7, 2016

On October 20th 2016, MPETA (Manitoba Physical Education Teachers Association) presented the following awards to recognize outstanding contributions in physical education for the 2015-2016 school year. Congratulations to all 2016 MPETA Award Winners!

Brian McMillan - Phys. Ed Coordinator presents award to Michelle Gamblin of FMS-Moose Lake

Two of Frontier School Division Physical Education Teachers were recognized for their contribution to physical education in Manitoba.

The Norman West MPETA Regional Award was presented to Michelle Gamblin of Frontier Mosakahiken School in Moose Lake. This award is presented to individuals who provided leadership in their region by hosting workshops or area tournaments, developing outstanding programs, and contributing to the community. Michelle has worked with FSD for the past eleven years and is the Physical Education Specialist at FMS. Congrats to Michelle on her award.

Ralph Clark - PHE Canada presents Tim Gianotti with the Dr. Andy Anderson Award

The recipient of the Dr. Andy Anderson Award is Tim Gianotti of Brochet School. The Dr. Andy Anderson Young Professional Award is presented once a year by Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) to one professional per province that best epitomizes exemplary work on behalf of the physical and health education profession. Tim has been the Physical Education specialist at Brochet School for the past four years. Congrats to Tim on receiving this award from PHE Canada.

A special thank you goes out to all nominators, presenters, and organizers for making the 2016 MPETA Awards a success!

For more information

Frontier School Division
30 Speers Rd
Winnipeg Manitoba
Canada R2J 1L9

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