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Education News Canada

Jimmie receives Indigenous Education and Civic Pathways Award

November 16, 2018

A St. James Collegiate student is recognized with a special scholarship for the second year in a row

Grade 11 student Briana E. received the Indigenous Education and Civic Pathways Award presented on behalf of the Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak (OAN). The OAN is the City of Winnipeg's Indigenous Youth Strategy with a mission to "give Indigenous youth positive opportunities in the community and civic system." The $400 scholarship is awarded to Indigenous students in each school division who have successfully completed their school year and demonstrated academic achievement and involvement in extra-curricular activities.

Briana E. applied for this award during her Grade 9 year and was ecstatic when she found out she had been selected.

"I honestly didn't expect it," shared Briana. "It took a while to receive confirmation that I won the award so after a couple months I was thinking Oh, man, I didn't win but that's okay.'"

As soon as she received her recipient letter in the mail, she couldn't wait to share the good news with her mom. This positive experience, paired with her qualifications, encouraged her to apply again the next year.

Briana is part of student council, the Eco Jimmies, Social Justice and TADD at St. James Collegiate. She also plays varsity volleyball, varsity basketball, singles badminton, team handball and is a member of track and field.

"Grades are also very important to me," said Briana, who applied for the scholarship with a 95% average after first semester.

On October 19, Briana received the scholarship for the second year in a row at the OAN awards ceremony held at the Radisson Hotel. Her mom and aunt attended the event with her, but Brianna wishes one more person could have joined. Her grandma passed away a few days prior to the event but was planning to be at the celebration.

"That is where I get my Metis heritage from because my grandma is Metis, which is why I'm eligible for this Annishinabe award," said Briana. "She was so proud of me and happy that I was proud of my culture. I'm very proud of being Indigenous and also of my grandma, she was the strongest person that I knew."

Briana is putting these funds directly into a savings account for post-secondary education. She has her heart set on applying to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba to become a pediatrician. She is very thankful for being selected for this scholarship two years in a row and believes it is a stepping stone to her winning other scholaships in the future, as now she has the confidence to apply. Congratulations to Briana on this outstanding award!

For more information

St. James-Assiniboia School Division
2574 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg Manitoba
Canada R3J 0H8