Every June, the West Central High School Athletics Association (WCHSAA) recognizes excellence in coaching and officiating by presenting awards to teachers, school staff and community members who make outstanding contributions to school sports in the West Central District that includes all Sun West schools.

Pictured above: West Central District 2023 Award Recipients: (top, left to right) Rose Tam, Lloyd Tulp, Paula Berezowski, Mitch Wintonyk, Melanie Natrass, Sheila Halseth (bottom, left to right) Dana Adams, Kim Sobkowicz, Ian Osmond, Garrett Bailey and Brenden Paproski. No picture available: Shelley Follensbee and Tawna Hansen.
Retired Outlook High School teacher Rose Tam was this year's recipient of the prestigious Saskatchewan High School Sports Athletic Association (SHSAA) Service Award. Miss Tam's dedication to school sports started when she began her teaching career in 1989 and continued after her retirement in 2015. She has coached virtually every sport offered at OHS at one time or another and is known for going above and beyond to provide opportunities for students to participate. Teams she coached brought home a number of SHSAA banners to the OHS gym and her organizational skills were crucial to the success of many tournaments.
Following retirement, she continued to volunteer by helping organize school, district and regional track and field meets where she continued to share her skills and experience. Ms. Tam had the following to say when she won the award.
"I'm very honored to receive this SERVICE award from the SHSAA.I have always loved sports. I believe that sports are an important part of school and helps students to learn many valuable lifelong lessons. There are many good memories I will cherish and have learned a lot from the challenges too, and it was totally worth it!It's been so rewarding to see my students grow and learn, as athletes, and also as people!"
Click here to watch a video produced about Rose Tam by the SHSAA.
Although OHS teacher Lloyd Tulp is more often thought of as a coach, he was the 2023 recipient of the West Central Officials Award. Mr. Tulp was recognized for the many hours he has spent refereeing sports not only within West Central but all across Western Canada. Mr. Tulp is a National A Wrestling Canada ranked official and in that capacity has sent him to tournaments across Saskatchewan as well as to university and national competitions. He has officiated athletes from every level in wrestling from three-and-four-year-olds to dedicated university athletes, Olympians and Olympic hopefuls.
Mr. Tulp also officiates for other sports including football, basketball, volleyball, wrestling and track and field and in the summer has taken up officiating baseball earning his Level 3 Saskatchewan Umpire certification.
WCHSAA also honoured two Rosetown Central High School (RCHS) teachers for their contributions to coaching. Paul Berezowsk and Mitch Wintonyk received the West Central Coaches of the Year Awards. Both are known for their dedication to student athletes and the excellence of their innovative coaching methods.
WCHSAA also gave out a number of Service Awards to Sun West teachers, other staff members and community volunteers. These awards recognize outstanding contributions to student sports in a number of capacities. The Service Award winners were: Kim Sobkowicz of OHS, Sheila Halseth of OHS, Ian Osmond of Davidson School, Garrett Bailey of Davidson School, Shelley Follensbee of Eaton School in Eatonia, Dana Adams of Loreburn Central School, Tawna Hansen of Eston Composite School, Melanie Natress of RCHS and Brendan Paproski, a community volunteer with RCHS sports.
Sun West Director of Education, and past SHSAA Service Award Winner, Vicki Moore stated: "We really cannot say enough about all the dedication and leadership shown by everyone who received a West Central Award this year, as well as all our coaches and officials. They give so much and contribute such value to our schools and communities. Congratulations and thank you to all of them!"