June 9, 2024
Education News Canada

HWDSB Whistleblower Policy Adds Protection and Improves Culture

February 17, 2023

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) Trustees approved its Whistleblower Policy that allows employees, parents/families, students, Board Trustees, community members and others to come forward and voice serious concerns without fear of reprisal.


"At HWDSB, we are working hard to create a culture where everyone is free to work, learn, and visit without harassment or discrimination. Any member of the HWDSB community who reports unacceptable behaviour from others should never be silenced or treated unfairly for raising the concern."

  • Dawn Danko, Chair of the Board

"We apologize for any harm caused by those who have tried to express wrongdoing at HWDSB in the past. We appreciate the delegates who came forward to share their experiences. The policy is stronger as a result. We acknowledge that retelling their stories was difficult and an act of courage, which may have negatively impacted their well-being.

Addressing the history of harm and the need for protection is important, but this work does not stop with just this policy. We are shifting our collective culture at HWDSB."

  • Maria Felix Miller, Chair of the Policy Committee

"The Whistleblower Policy is an important measure to support members of HWDSB communities feeling safer and having a sense of belonging. This is an example of the change needed in our system. Along with this new policy, we will soon create the procedure to strengthen our commitment to human rights.

We agree with members of the communities who said they want this policy to be successful in its implementation. We will honour this request as we commit to listening through a regular review of the policy."

  • Sheryl Robinson Petrazzini, Director of Education


  • The Whistleblower Policy was approved by Trustees at the Board Meeting held on Monday, January 30, 2023. The approval of the policy gives direction to senior staff to develop the Procedure.
  • The policy defines terminology (e.g., conflict of interest and good faith), lists the protected grounds provided in the Ontario Human Rights Code including disability, gender, and race, and outlines the intended outcomes such as providing all whistleblowers with access to a post-report and investigation feedback and/or complaint process.
  • Examples of wrongdoing are provided and range from violation of laws, Acts, or legislation, misuse of public funds, and mismanagement or abuse of positional power.

For more information

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board
20 Education Court
Hamilton Ontario
Canada L9A 0B9

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