June 1, 2024
Education News Canada

Regional Leaders takes the stage in support to Bishop's University

November 1, 2023

Regional leaders joined forces on Tuesday, October 31, at Centennial Theatre on the Bishop's Univeristy campus to voice their support toward Bishop's University in response to the new policy recently announced by the Quebec government in relation to tuition fees for Canadian students who are not residents of Quebec.

A streering committe composed of regional leaders including former Sherbrooke mayor, Jean Perrault, Louise Bourgault, Director General of the Sherbrooke Chamber of Commerce, Claude Bellau, DCL, Bishop's Alumnus and former General Director of Estrie Aide, Chantal Lessard, Associate with Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, Yanick Crack, Associate with Groupe TCJ stood in solidarity with over 100 leaders from various sectors (business, media, municipal affairs, culture, academics) in the Eastern Townships.

Jean Perrault took on the role of MC for the event, congratulating the show of solidarity of the entire community. Sophia Stacey, 4th year Political Studies student and President of the Student Representative Council (SRC) addressed the audience made up of Bishop's students, staff, faculty, and community members, who filled Centennial Theatre to capacity warranting the need for extra space for the 350 additional supporters. Over 1,000 people cheered Stacey as she spoke confidently about the motivation that led her to study at Bishop's University. She received a standing ovation for her work as an engaged ambassador for the institution in French and English media across the country. She spoke of Bishop's identity as defined by 180 years of diversity within the study body which has included anglophones, francophones, international students, and members of Indigenous communities.

Deputy Mayor Raïs Kibonge spoke on behalf of Mayor Evelyne Beaudin about the importance of Bishop's to Sherbrooke, city of knowledge, its contribution to its cultural life, and as an essential intitution of the vitality of historical anglophone community in the Lennoxville Borough.

Jacques Demers, Mayor of Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley, Prefect MRC for Memphrémagog, President of the Quebec Federation of Municipalities on behalf of Monique Phrévong-Lenoir, Prefect MRC du Granit and President of the Table of Eastern Townships MRC. Demers stated the importance of Bishop's for the wider Eastern Townships region, as an institution which serves anglophone communities throughout Estrie, as a factor of attraction and of development for the communities for its economic, social and cultural impact.

Université de Sherbrooke Rector, Pierre Cossette addressed the complementarity and close collaboration of the two universities serving the greater Estrie region.

President of Sherbrooke Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sébastien Lussier reitarated the economic impact of Bishop's and highlighted the factor of talent attraction and retention, which are greatly needed in the region. "Sherbrooke is the only city in the province outside of Montreal which boasts francophone and anglophone educational institutions from pre-school to University."

Mayor Perrault concluded the event by inviting Principal Sébastien Lebel-Grenier to address the crowds of cheering supporters near and far.

A letter addressed to Quebec Premier François Legault and Minister of Higher Education, Pascale Déry, has been signed by 180 leaders to date.

Fact Sheet - Proposed Quebec tuition policy changes - Impact on Bishop's University

For more information

Bishop's University
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke Québec
Canada J1M 1Z7

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