June 1, 2024
Education News Canada

Launch of a K4 Curriculum: by and for First Nations!

August 21, 2019

The First Nations Education Council (FNEC) is launching its K4 curriculum on August 20 as part of its Preschool committee gathering. This program is the result of four years of hard work by and for teachers in First Nations communities and takes into account the reality and needs of the children in these communities. Through cooperation and mutual support among preschool teachers, education advisors and elders, First Nations have taken another step towards complete control of their education.

The curriculum will be implemented in all 22 FNEC-member communities this coming September. Children will be introduced to First Nations literature, and will be given the opportunity to further their traditional knowledge and develop a strong sense of identity and respect for their own unique values such as culture and promotion of community initiatives.

The program is divided into five areas of development including emotional, social and language, and focusses on building a sense of identity among students. In keeping with the goal of creating a curriculum that reflects First Nations and meets their needs, a forest kindergarten program is also one of the proposed initiatives.

The First Nations Education Council is very proud of the work that has been accomplished and the outcome:

  • "Our work on designing the curriculum these last four years was guided by what we consider academic success to be for our children. The program offers all students conditions for success right from the start of preschool and promotes a smooth home-school transition." - Annie Gros-Louis, FNEC Educational Services Director.
  • "The K4 curriculum conveys the importance of early intervention a priority shared by our administrators, community schools, and network of partners." - Denis Gros Louis, FNEC Director General.

For more information

First Nations Education Council
95, rue de l'Ours
Wendake Quebec
Canada G0A 4V0

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