Efforts of Saskatchewan schools to improve student nutrition and create healthier environments are being celebrated with the Mosaic Extreme School Makeover Challenge's Walk to Breakfast.
Since 2006, The Mosaic Company and the Saskatchewan School Boards Association have hosted the Challenge to encourage grassroots initiatives. Ten schools each received $10,000 earlier this year as winners of the 2018 Challenge. Among the winners was Prairie Valley School Division's Bert Fox High School in Fort Qu'Appelle, where today's Walk to Breakfast event was held.
"We've worked with the SSBA on the Mosaic Challenge for over 10 years - one of our longest community partnerships to date - and we still get excited each year to participate in the Walk to Breakfast, where we can have a one-on-one visit with a winning school," said Sarah Fedorchuk, Vice President of Government Relations & Public Affairs at Mosaic.
"We're glad to be at Bert Fox High School to hear about their efforts to make nutrition a daily part of student lives with the funding Mosaic provides," Fedorchuk continued. "Congratulations to all of the Mosaic Challenge winners and to all schools across the province who are focusing efforts on the health and nutrition of our children."
Bert Fox High School's winning project highlights include implementing a universal snack program, training and skills development and purchasing kitchen equipment.
"Healthy nutrition for all students plays a significant role in their ability to learn, and Bert Fox's winning project is a great example of how a school can focus on student success through healthy eating," Deputy Premier and Minister of Education Gordon Wyant said. "Congratulations to Bert Fox and all the other recipients for their dedication to making student nutrition an important part of every student's life."
A record 70 schools submitted projects in 2018's Challenge, to compete for a total of $100,000 in prizes, provided by Mosaic. Schools receiving grants this year are part of the Holy Trinity, Horizon, Ile a la Crosse, Northern Lights, Prairie Valley, Regina Catholic, Regina Public and Saskatoon Public school divisions and Muskoday First Nation.
"The SSBA is proud to recognize Bert Fox and the other recipients this year and we are very grateful to The Mosaic Company for the ongoing commitment to help ensuring the health and nutrition needs of students in our province are met," said Dr. Shawn Davidson, SSBA President.
Backgrounder: Mosaic Extreme School Makeover Challenge 2018 Winners