June 3, 2024
Education News Canada

Norm Bethune Receives OCSTA Trustee Award of Merit

March 9, 2016

The Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce that Mr. Norman Bethune, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, has been awarded the 2016 Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association (OCSTA) Trustee Award of Merit in recognition of his exceptional service to Catholic education over the years.

The letter of nomination, prepared by Director of Education Jamie McKinnon and Chair of the Board Bev Eckensweiler, outlines Norm 's contributions to the mission of Catholic Education within Bruce-Grey, a mission that he has been dedicated to for more than fifty years.

Norm served the Bruce-Grey Catholic DSB as teacher and principal for thirty-four years before retiring, and was instrumental in continuing our Catholic story for all members of our school community.  In 1997 Norm stepped forward to serve as a Catholic School Trustee, and has served in the roles of Chair and Vice-Chair for the past eighteen years. He has served on countless committees, including strategic planning, catholicity, faith formation, community partnerships, professional development, policy committee, deanery, King's College, and many more throughout the Board and Diocese. He has dedicated himself to ensure that Catholic education remains true to the Gospel as the foundation of our teaching.

Norm has been an active participant in the Board's Strategic Planning Process, in particular the area of Catholicity.  He was instrumental in the development of our "Catholic Culture of Deep Caring", the virtues program that is actively practiced throughout our Board.

Norm supported the development of the Board mission and vision statements. The vision statement for the Board, "Let Your Light Shine", is based on the gospel of Matthew, "Let your light shine before men, in order that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven." (Mt 5:16) Norm believes in being the light for others and has done so his whole career, so that they may in turn let their light shine. He has been· a key contributor and leader in our successes so that we nurture every student, body, mind and spirit.

In 2011, Norm was the recipient of the prestigious Canadian Catholic School Trustees' Association "The Higgins Award". He was applauded for his "dedication, competence, vision and hard work in serving Catholic Education" and "outstanding contribution to Catholic Education in Canada".

Thank you Norm for "letting your light shine" for the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board Community.

The award will be presented on Friday, April 29, at the 2016 OCSTA AGM & Conference at Blue Mountain Resort.

For more information

Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board
799 16th Ave
Hanover Ontario
Canada N4N 3A1