June 16, 2024
Education News Canada

A 15th Competency: Understanding and Learning to Fight Systemic Racism

November 25, 2020

The First Nations Education Council (FNEC), in collaboration with the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL) and Institut Tshakapesh, are unveiling a 15th competency being recommended for teachers and teacher education programs.

This competency is the result of a joint effort by the First Nations Education Council, Institut Tshakapesh and the Centre de développement de la formation et de la main-d'oeuvre huron-wendat, and has received unanimous support from the Provincial Table on First Nations Student Success. In keeping with the AFNQL's Action Plan on Racism and Discrimination, competency 15 is an exhortation to the province of Quebec to fulfill its duty, and to integrate the recommendations issued by the Viens Commission, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, not only for education, but in all areas affected by their calls to action.

"Eliminating racism and discrimination must fundamentally, and with other means, come through education,'' said Ghislain Picard, Chief of the AFNQL.

Research clearly states that Indigenous students will experience success when teaching approaches value Indigenous knowledge and include Indigenous learning and perspectives.

This is also illustrated in the cover art where we see two rivers merging into one. These two rivers represent two different world views on learning, understanding, and education: Indigenous and Western. Both ways flow at their own pace towards their own outcome and understanding of what learning is.

"The FNEC is very proud to have initiated this competency. The response from the education community is undeniably positive. We can already anticipate the effects Indigenous-led content will have on teachers and teacher training,'' said Denis Gros-Louis, FNEC Director General.

For more information

First Nations Education Council
95, rue de l'Ours
Wendake Quebec
Canada G0A 4V0

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3 Press releases