June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

Consultations Begin on High School Assessment and Evaluation Plan

March 19, 2024

The Provincial Government is inviting input from stakeholders and the public on a proposed new high school assessment and evaluation plan for Newfoundland and Labrador. Feedback from the consultation process will inform the development and finalization of the plan, as part of the ongoing work to modernize and transform the K-12 education system to make it better for all those connected to it.

Beginning on March 12 until March 27, 2024, feedback can be provided at engageNL.ca. This will include an online questionnaire and the option of providing a written submission.

In September 2023, the province announced that it will engage with its partners in education to introduce a new evaluation framework for high school students that will include a new literacy and numeracy assessment and modular course evaluation. This step marked the elimination of public exams from the public education system.

Written submissions or requests for an alternate format can be emailed to highschoolassessments@gov.nl.ca, or mailed to:

Department of Education
3rd Floor, Confederation Building
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
P. O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL
A1B 4J6

Questions related to the consultation process can be emailed to highschoolassessments@gov.nl.ca or call 709-729-5097.

All input is welcome, especially from educators and students in the public education system, as well as family, friends and supporters of students.


"Our public education system and its educators need a modern way of assessing and evaluating high school students that better meets the needs of students and educators. High school assessments are an integral part of helping a student move forward throughout their educational journey. I encourage everyone to visit engageNL and participate in the consultation process to ensure that high school assessments and evaluations meet the needs of students now and for years to come."

Honourable Krista Lynn Howell, Minister of Education

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For more information

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Prince Phillip Drive
St. John's Newfoundland
Canada A1B 4J6

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