June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

College expands international program

September 24, 2018

Great Plains College is pleased to announce the expansion of its international program offerings at the Kindersley and Swift Current Campuses. International students will now have the option to enrol in the Power Engineering (Fourth and Third Class) program in Kindersley, and the Administrative Assistant or Business Diploma programs in Swift Current.

While Swift Current Campus previously accepted a small number of international students to the Administrative Assistant and Business Certificate programs, this expansion will greatly increase the number of spaces for international students, and allow those enrolled in Business to continue and complete the two-year diploma.

"Welcoming more international students to our campuses provides tremendous growth opportunities for the college, new classroom learning opportunities for our domestic students and more vibrancy to our communities," explained Kristy Sletten, manager of admissions and international at Great Plains College. "We're looking forward to seeing many new faces around our Great Plains College communities this fall, and watching the positive impact they are sure to bring."

An international recruitment trip was taken in the spring in partnership with M Square Media, an agent management company that acts as a liaison between recruiting agents and post-secondary institutions.

"We spent two weeks in India and the Philippines meeting with recruiting agents and promoting the college it was amazing to see the interest that was shown in our institution and in our Kindersley and Swift Current communities," added Sletten. "Since returning, the applications have been pouring in and we are working through the full process involved in getting these students here."

The college is expecting to welcome between 18-30 international students at the two campuses this fall.

"Post-secondary institutions of our size are an attractive option to many international students because of the small class sizes and additional supports available to them that aren't necessarily as accessible at larger institutions."

Great Plains College will also be working with the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre to help support these new students as they seek accommodation and settle into our communities.

More information about Great Plains College's international program can be found at greatplainscollege.ca/international.

For more information

Great Plains College
701 Dominion Street
Biggar Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 0M0

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